FEUCHÈRE: Very Rare Pair of wall lights. End of Empire period
Today I am offering you an exceptional pair of gilded bronze sconces "with winged children", made by Lucien-François Feuchère (1760-1841), French master chaser-gilder.
Current professionals and amateurs alike will appreciate them all the more, because this elegant pair of wall lights is one of the rarest models to find on the art market.
Indeed, Lucien-François Feuchère produced this pair of wall lights in 1815, in very limited quantities. But it was in 1821 that this model reached its peak, with an order for the Palais des Tuileries of three pairs on September 17, 1821, on Order of April 19, 1821 where this pair of wall lights with winged children was referenced with these words:
"Two arms of light, winged half-body Arabesque Children, holding baskets of flowers in their hands, the so-called gilded or ground".
Subsequently, these wall lights were intended for the boudoir of the Vicomtesse de Gontaut, governess of the Children of France.
Each of the "fantastic 4" of the time (forgive the analogy), which were Thomire, Feuchère, Ravrio and Galle, made their own interpretation of this model for winged children.
The difference lies mainly in the way of presenting the lights, which, on this model, are each inscribed in a basket of flowers that the angels hold in their outstretched arms.
This pair of sconces "to winged children", whose rarity should be greatly emphasized, is represented in "L'heure, le Feu, la Lumière", the bronzes of the Mobilier National from 1800 to 1870, by Marie-France Dupuy Baylet , on page 263.
Presence of engraved inventory marks: IR 11
Very good state of conservation of the original gilding.
Always being very careful that my clients can, in addition to the immense happiness of being able to contemplate this superb pair of sconces daily, make a very good investment. It is offered to you at a price well below the low estimates of experts.
Yours truly.
Geraldine Buisson.
Feuchère: Very Rare Pair of Wall lights. End of Empire period.
Height: 29cm
Width: 21.5cm
Depth: 21.5cmDelivery
I manage the delivery for you in France as well as internationally. For delivery outside of Europe, contact me to establish one or more quotes.
I make sure that particular care is taken for packaging and protection adapted to your purchases.